Sunday, January 10, 2010

Deep Dish Apple Pie

When you have some apples just laying around the kitchen and Buddy has had his fill and the fruit flies have not yet started to swarm and invade and there are really fresh apples at the store, it's time to make something from them. How about this Deep Dish Apple Pie?

And then after about 50 minutes in a 350 degree oven, one ends up with this gastronomic treat!! Great apple flavor (Granny Smith, Winesap and a variety of red ones) and the sweetness of the brown sugar and cinnamon. YUM-O!! Add to that a piece of Washington cheddar, aged for 2 years, Natural Cougar Gold - from the Washington State University Cougars via Jerri and Roger Nelson - and you have a delicious blend of flavors!

Then after eating that scrumptious piece of pie and cheese, you can sit back in your easy chair and play "Find Waldo" in this crowd!! Thanks Rex for showing Marnie where this photo was and Marnie for bringing it to us. I just heard that there's a new BSU shirt out that says, "We Messed With Texas". I'll have to find one. Cheers!! Look out Virginia Tech, here we come!


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