"...Second snowiest December on record at the Boise Airport...
...Third snowiest December on record for all Boise climate records...
As of December 28...a total of 20.2 inches of snowfall has been measured at the Boise Airport which ranks as the second snowiest December on record. In December 1983...a total of 26.2 inches was measured making this the highest snowfall total at the Airport since records began in 1940.
(Our Backyard 28 December 2008)
Observations prior to this date were taken downtown. In December 1884...a total of 36.6 inches of snowfall was measured downtown...making this the snowiest December in all of Boise climate records. Due to the location differences...snowfall records prior to 1940 and those taken after 1940 cannot be equally compared. Therefore... the distinction needs to be made between these data sets."
Buddy in the backyard on 27 December. He loves it! He's a "Snow Bunny"! Anyway, there is what we have been dealing with for the past week. It is now raining. The street looks like a "slush bucket". Not nice. And it's supposed to freeze again Tuesday. Oh, well, so are the Rockies in the winter!