Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Columbia, Maggie and the Wall-E Saga

Sorry about the delay in posting these photos, but I've been slightly busy. A couple of them are a little blurred, but it's difficult to photograph a flying peregrine with a 300mm lens and not have it blurred. Wall-E tried to move a parked car ... it didn't work. He is fine and was placed back on the One Capital Building and eventually flew again. One of the females on 29 June also got into some trouble, but will also be OK. Here are the photos. Do enjoy them! Many thanks to Bruce Haak, Idaho Fish and Game, for supplying two of these photos.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Boise Falcons #2

On Saturday 27 June, we again follow Columbia - I think - on her sojourn. This time from the Hotel 43 to the Owyhee Hotel, 1 block North and 2 blocks West. As it turns out, the Boise Police did not like some of us in the street protecting the falcon. We were warned. Oh well, it's all in a days work! Here are some photos of Columbia. Cheers!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Boise Falcons Fledge

OK. So the last post stated that Wall-E was the first peregrine to fledge. Wrong! Actually at about 8:00am (MDT) on 26 June 2009, the first of the chicks to fledge was probably Columbia, although there still might be some question on that. About mid-afternoon, the fledgling left the Idanha Hotel, flew 1 1/2 blocks south and crashed into the wall of the Hotel 43. No injuries were sustained. She remained there on a ledge all night. Many thanks to DD for allowing me to photograph the fledgling from her office.

But wait, there's more! At about dusk on 26 June, Wall-E did fledge. But with troubles. He hit a car and was immediately taken to see a vet. All appears well. He has been taken by Idaho Fish and Game for recovery, which should only take 24 - 36 hours. At that time, he will be returned to the top of the One Capital Center Building, watered down completely, food and water left with him and then released. I hope this straightens up some of the confusion. Here are some photos. The SlideBox file name has been left the same for convenience.Enjoy!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Boise Falcon Chicks

Some of these screen shots were taken on 12-13 June. They are of the chicks in the hack box. On 14 June, the chicks had their 1st experience on the ledge - all three of them at the same time. Many thanks to FP and FiberPipe for such great camera work. Enjoy the photos! Don't forget to go Full Screen.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Alpha and The Omega

I have had some folks today on the Boise Peregrine Release site ask me about "screen shots" and what you can do with them. Here is a short slide show of nothing but screen shots from around the world. I took these all today. Enjoy!